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Saturday, November 29, 2014



Unlimited lives:
Enter "SUMITA" as a name at the high score screen.

Thursday, November 27, 2014



Submitted by: conner54

Open both windows and turn the arrow sign. Open the hatch and make the 
stick man pop out. Fire the first rock at bridge. Fire the second rock 
at bell. Fire both grenades at the bridge, and as it hovers over bridge, 
click on it. This will make the grenades pop into the air and explode. 
Fire the keycard at the bridge to make the stick man underneath open 
the door. Put the man into the cannon by clicking on him again and make 
another man pop out of the hatch. Have him fire the man in cannon up 
under the bell, but you must click on the spear to bend it slightly so 
that the stick man wont get speared. Click on the man under the bell 
to move the bell tower. Click the bell a few times to drop on spear, 
flinging rock onto mine blowing it up. Then, click on the door to make 
a man come out. He will walk past where the mine blew up. Just as he 
is about to enter the door, click on the man on the bottom. 
Note: This requires precise timing.

Ok, to begin. First click on the grey slab directly above the yellow arrow. 
This opens the hatch where the people you control come from. Secondly click 
the yellow arrow to command your first stickman. He'll walk up to the steps 
to the lever, which is next to a cannon shaped device. Click the stickman 
next to the cannon to fire the first stone downwards so it knocks over the 
blank of wood, forming a bridge over the gap.

Now, open the window on the left, by clicking on it. Also click on the red 
arrow, to switch it's direction so it is pointing to the right. Click on 
the cannon so it is pointing upwards. Click the stickman next to the cannon 
again to fire the second stone that should ring the bell. Because you opened 
the window, the door on the left opens. Note that the stone now rests on the 
spike which makes it unable to be moved.

The next action requires the first bit of timing. Click the cannon so it is 
facing downwards. Click the cannon but get ready to click the blank of wood 
so it jumps upwards slightly. As soon as you launch the rock you must be 
ready to click the plank. You have to time it so the blank of wood knocks 
the "stone" in mid-air. Kaboom. That ain't no stone mister, that's a bomb. 
Repeat this action for the second bomb.

Fire the last stone downwards and if by magic it lands in the cave. The 
little stickman here picks up the stone and uses it on the metal/grey post. 
It's a keycard and the post reclines into the ground above leaving the 
stickman free!

Click on the stickman next to the cannon. Because there are no stones left 
the steps move up and tip him into the cannon. Click the yellow arrow, again 
to acquire another stickman. Click the cannon so it's positioning to fire 
upwards. This next part requires some more timing. Click the stickman next 
to the cannon to fire the other poor stickman up into the air. Just before 
the super-stickman is about to be impailed, click the spike so it flexes 
and allows him safe passage over. Click on this guy now and he pushes the 
bell tower over to the right. Click on the bell three times so it falls 
onto the spike. This projects the stone onto the mine below allowing safe 
passage for the guy in the house on the left.

Now the mine is out of the way you can click on the door, which is on the 
left of the screen. Another stickman appears. He checks the arrow and moves 
in the direction it states (to the right). He walks across the plank of 
wood, past where the mine was and into the open door. When the door closes 
the flame outside the house, the light inside the house and the first flame 
on the portal are all lit.
Now you're onto the last stage. This is all about timing. Ok? Ready?

Click the stickman who's at the bottom of the screen (the one who was in the 
cave). When you do this a razor-creature-thing falls from the hazard crate 
on the right. Just before the creature touches the ground, open the window 
where the stickman has just turned the light on. If you time it correctly, 
as the stickman closes the window the rocks below are nudged and fall onto 
the razor-creature-thing. The stickman is then free to walk into the cave, 
lighting the second flame and opening the portal!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

F-117 - Stealth Fighter

F-117 - Stealth Fighter

This game is also titled "Night Hawk: F-117A Stealth Fighter 2.0"

Cheat Codes:
To keep your pilots alive forever with a little file copying in DOS.
The data for your pilots is saved in a file called "ROSTER.FIL" so 
when you have successfully completed a mission quit to DOS and type:

copy c:\mps\f117a\roster.fil c:\mps\f117a\

If he gets killed on the next mission, quit to DOS and resurrect him 
by typing: 

copy c:\mps\f117a\ c:\mps\f117a\roster.fil

Wednesday, November 12, 2014



edit money
edit ?.SAV (? is the save game name)
go sector 98 offset 66 - 69
change to FF FF FF 10

Type during gameplay: 


Wednesday, November 5, 2014



Holiday bonuses:
Set the system date to December 25. A Christmas tree will
appear in the corner of the first room on the first floor.
Set the system date to October 31. The color scheme for 
everything except the characters will be in black and white.

You can never get enough grenades and bombs when you're 
exploring the dangerous floor of the Genloq building. 
Start the game and when you land on the Genloq roof save
the game and quit. Use a Hex editor to edit the file 
"SAVE.DAT" and search for the following two lines of code:
Lives left    Saved lives     Grenades     Bombs
|    ---------|               |         ---|
|    |                        |         |
02 03 00 00 00 00 05 00 50 00 00 00 7F 7F 05 00
00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
|    |    |     ---------------------
|    |    -----------               |
|    |              |               |
|    -----|         |               |
Freezers  Shields   Electric fences Package for Derrida

Change the appropriate figure to a hexadecimal number. 
For example for 255 of everything change all the numbers 
which have been labeled to FF.

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