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Thursday, October 30, 2014

M25 Racer

M25 Racer

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Gautam Kaviraj

Here's how i enjoy this one
Go in the game folder and make a backup of the text file STATIC
the make these changes in it:
Radarbonus:100  to as much as you desire
If u have probs in winning and aren't able to unlock too 
many cars the change POINTS (like giving last place 100 pts 
outta 10 and then coming last !it's true)
Now lose and you'll unlock all tracks and cars

General Hints:
Submitted by: rikkipops 

Time Trails:
In This You Can Choose The Course And What Level You Wish To Race At,
Turn Off Or On Traffic,Police And Damage As You Want.
This Is Good Practice For The Tournament, You Can Learn How To Handel
Each Car On
The Courses, Find Out What You Can Knock Down Without Being Stoped In
Your Tracks Etc.

You Do This Against the Clock.

Sunday Cup:
Like The Time Trails But Your Not Against The Clock On This One, You
Can Unlock The Bonus
Cars By Winning Gold On All Tracks.

Group One:
This Is Raceing For Real!, You Start Off In A Mini (or Nimi As They
Call It),

This Is The Bottom Of The Range Car Which You Won`t Be Able To Win
Anything In,

Don`t Let This Put You Off Because You Can Upgrade it Cheep Enough,
Although I Wouldn`t 
Advise This, Just Wait Until You Have Enough Money To Buy The M.G. As
This Is A Lot Better Car. 
But While Your Driving The Mini Just Use It To Get Used To The
Courses And Take It Steady,
Take Out All The Speed Cameras For Extra Cash And Even Though You May
Come In Last,
It`s An Easy Way To Make Money.
Group Two:
This Is The Same As Group One But The Cars Are Faster,The Drivers Are
Better And The Winnings Are Higher, 
Do The Same As In Group One By Taking It Steady And Getting
the Speed Camera Bonus.
Wait Until You Can Buy The 3rd Car Before Any Upgrades. On Here You Do
Two Laps Instead Of One.
Apart From The M25 Race Which Remains At One.

Group Three:

This Is Where Things Hot Up. Again Take It Steady And Get The Cash To
Buy The 3rd Car Again, Upgrade As Much As You Can. If You Finish  1st,2nd Or 3rd You Can
Unlock The Bonus Car, There
Are 3Laps Now Apart From The M25 Which Is One. You Get To Race The M25
At Night As Well Which Is One Of The Hardest To Do.

Upgrade Your Car In This Order.

1: Stearing. Its No Good Having A Car That Does 0-60 In 2 Secs If You
   Can`t Keep It On The Road.
2: Brakes. You Need To Stop Quickly In Some Cases.
3: Gears. Increase Your Speed Slightly And Cut Down Your 0-60 By
   Getting This, Also Helps With Corners.
4: Engine Tune. More Speed = Better Rate Of Winnings.
5: Turbo. Use this Last, Helps Outrun Police Etc. And If You Have
   Crashed Gets You Back To Racing Speeds Sooner.

 Pits:  Use The Pits On Each Course To Get Free Repairs And To Refill
        Your Turbos. Just Drive Through
At ANY Speed, Also Can Help Escape From Police And Other Races As They
Don`t Enter The Pits.

If You Are Badly Damaged You May Reair Part At The Garage Before Hand
But I Advise If You Have
35% Or Less To Not Bother And Get It Done For Free In The Pits. This
Can Save You A Fortune!!!
When Your About To Write Off You Car The Damage Warning Will Flash.
All Damage Will Be Carried On To The Next Race. i.e. Finish With 80% 
Damage In One Race And Start The Next Race With 80%.

Short Cuts:
On Each Course There Are Short Cuts That You Can Use To Your Advantage,
These Are Cutting Through Walkways Etc.
Try And Use These As Much As Posible To Cut Down Your Time.
There Are Many Different ways Of Crashing Your Car. Some Are "Better"
For You Than Others.
Hitting A Building Head On Will Stop You Dead And Cause Massive
Hitting A Building From The Side Will Cause Some Damage And Will Slow
you Down, Causeing You To Lose Control And 
It Can Be Worse Then Hitting A Building Head On.
Railings Face On Will Just Slow You Down.
Railings Side On Will Stop You Dead And Cause Massive Damage.
Cars/Buses Etc. Hitting Them Head-on Will Cause Massive Damage And
Bring You To A Complete Stop.
Cars/Buses Etc. Hitting Them From Behind Will Cause Some Damage And
Will Slow you Down.

Traffic Cones, Lamposts And Speed Cameras Will Not Cause you Damage
And Just Fall Down or Get knocked Out of The Way,
These Can Slow You Down But Not Always.
Boxes Etc. Will Not Afect Your Speed But Hitting Them Will Cause
Newspapers to Cover Your Screen
For A Few Seconds. At High Speeds This Can Be Deadly.
Roadworks can Be A Problem, Driving Over sand/Stones Etc. Slows You
Down And Controling Your Car Is Made Harder,
There Are Also Yellow Workmans Huts/Cabins That Can Be A Big Problem
If You Hit Them, They Cause Medium Damage And Can Bring
You To A Complete Stop.

If You Are Neck And Neck With Another Racer Or The Police Keep In Lane
And Wait Until Your Coming Up Fast To A Bus Or Car Etc.
Just Before You Hit Them Press Your Horn And The Bus/Car Will Move Out
Of Your Way, Sideswipeing The Other Racer/Police And Can
Cause A Huge Pileup. If This Is Done Right You Can Then Relax And
Forget About The Other Racers
Who Are Fighting Among Them Selfs To Try And get Out Of Each Others
i Have Done This On Many Racers And Complete The Race In First Place,
Sometimes Lapping Them While
They Are Still Stuck. You Just Slow Down And Go On The Other Side Of
The Road Etc.
If You Are On The M25 At The First Set Of Blocks In The Central
Reservation Knock These Out Of The Way And Dr5ive On The Wrong Side
Of The Road (Into Oncoming Traffic) And Drive On The Hard Shoulder,
There Are No Obstacles In The Way, And You Can Drive In Complete Safety
Without Any Hastle From The Police Or Other Racers. The Only Down Side To This
Is You Can Pick Up Minor Damage From Going Through The Barrier And You
Can`t Get It
Fixed For Free As The Pits Is Only On The Left. You Can`t Pick up The
Money Bonus For The Speed Cameras Either. 
Using This Tactic When Playing The Time Trails Or Sunday Cup Is Even
Better Because You Can Turn Off Damage And Traffic. Leave The Police On
Though As They
Will still Go After The Other Races But Won`t Bother You As Your On
The Other Side!.

Another good Tactic Is If You Have Just Passed Another Racer Pull In
Front Of Him And Hit Your HandBrake. He Will Run Into the Back Of you
Causeing Very Small damage
But It Will Bring Him To An Almost Stand Still And The Force He Hits
You With Pushes You Back Up To Racing Speed Again So You Lose No Time
Gain The Knoledge that The Other Racer
Are Left Far Behind. This Works Well With The Police As Well And Can
Cause A Chain Reaction Blocking All Traffic If You Do It Right And The
Other Car Is Turned Sideways It Will Block The Path Of All
Of The Other Traffic, If It Is Done With The Police They Lose More
Time Because They ALL Get Bokked At Once!.
Also Driving "Off-Road"  On Grass Etc. You Maintain The Same Speed And
Are Out Of The Way Of The Other Racers And Police And Traffic.

Brake Before Corners And Not On Them, Use the Hand-Brake As It
Is Better At Stopping.
Pauseing: When You Are In A Lot Of Traffic Use The P Key To Pause You,
This Gives You Chance To See What Is In Front And Which Lane It`s In,
Also Take Time To Check For Speed Cameras Etc.

Also Check Out The Buildings!

Friday, October 24, 2014

M1 Tank Platoon 2

M1 Tank Platoon 2

- GameTips - 

Tip 1: 
Although cresting hills slowly is a good tactic, enemy light
antitank units and infantry love to hide just over hills and
can tear the bottom or sides out of your M-1 with ease. 
A tank platoon intending to take a major hill should run one
flanker to either side to reveal and crossfire any ambushes.

Tip 2: 
If a pesky T-80 is just shrugging off your depleted uranium 
rounds like rain, don't lose your cool and charge in. Instead,
try to aim very carefully at the top of the turret or, if the 
enemy is not hull down, aim low along the underside of the 
front armor.

Tip 3: 
Be very careful when running multiple platoons along your 
flanks. Don't let them get ahead of your command tank and keep
a close eye on your facing, because even at 10X mag, it's very
hard to tell a Bradley from a BMP.

Monday, October 20, 2014

M - Alien Paranoia

M - Alien Paranoia

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: nightraider

In the PARTIDOS directory under the install directory, the files named 
"PARTIDOS1.OEM", "PARTIDOS2.OEM", etc. hold the player's health level, 
number of laser shots, number of pears. etc. 

Open the file corresponding to the number of the saved game with either 
a hex editor or, even better, WORDPAD. 

EDIT-FIND the string "PERSONAJEM" (without the quotes). Page down to the 
section called VIDA. The "ACTUAL" line is the amount of health (Max 250). 

Several more pages under this is the section PERSONAJE_M. 
Under this will be found the following: 

Superrayo           = 9999999.000 (super laser)
Cantidad_Laser      = 250.000 (laser shots)
Cantidad_Peras      = 99.000 (pears)
Cantidad_Boomerangs = 99.000 (boomerangs)
Cantidad_Huevos     = 99.000 (gork chick eggs)
Cantidad_Piezas     = ?.000 (spacecraft pieces) 

with their maximum values. 

Note 1: 
If you change Cantidad_Piezas to the number of needed spacecraft pieces 
(or higher) for that level, the game will start the next level when you 
load the saved game. 

Note 2: 
There are two lines that say Superrayo = Set them both to 9999999.000 to 
get super lasers for a very long time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Galaxy Online

Galaxy Online

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Faster way to build ships:
Build 7 Shipyards, 1 Senior Shipyard and 1 Airport, only In 
one planet.

E.g. An 1 hour building ship becomes a 15 min building ship.

* 1 airport per each galaxy!
* 7 shipyards and 1 senior per planet(as much planets as you want.
* Special/Spell commanders are taken by luck.Nothing special to do.
* Colonize as much planets as you can in ONE galaxy!
* Create planets with planet generator in Home Galaxy.Better safe than sorry.
* Create 10k(10.000) ships to beat Traning Field and Black Bared Pirate.
* To create a corp you need to be level 7+

How to see commander's spell:
Open commander list. And simply point your mouse in the commander's picture.

How to duel players:
Send your fleets in the Arena. Click Arena again and than click Send an Invite.
Write the name of the player you want to duel and click send. Then wait for the
other player to accept and send ships in.

What's the supply button:
The supply button can turn the resources into supplies. Supplies are used as 
fuel to make ships move from system to system and fight. Finished resources,
finished fight.

How to send ships back home:
Send your fleet to Fortresses, Strongholds or Capital. Then click the fleet 
and than click Dimensional Door. By using 2 Mall Points it sends your fleets

How to rank up:
Build construstions and ships.

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